Brandywine Lifesciences

Brandywine Lifesciences, a new offering by Brandywine Realty Trust, provides dynamic spaces for scientific breakthroughs and next-generation innovations. I created the brand identity, stationery, email campaigns, social media ads, promotional items, and marketing brochures.

My inspiration for the brand came from contemplating the word "life" and the beauty of creation, envisioning how life and creation fit together like a puzzle. I designed the logo and patterns one pixel/square at a time, and later completed the logo animation, emphasizing the evolution of the letter "E".

Life Logo 1.gif


Working on a pattern for this brand was truly exciting, so many directions to explore and I decided to explore all of them, above on the brochure cover you can see the pattern made of pluses and pixels and below I made a pattern out of three stages of E which is the most common letter in the word Lifesciences.

Evolution of E.gif

Marketing Materials

Using the patterns I created, I started applying them across all our materials, and they all fit perfectly, even though I'm using over four different patterns!


Paid Social Ads

Here are samples of paid social ads that blend the branding of Lifesciences and its parent company, Brandywine Realty Trust.




Mad Leads